Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday Theory

I have a theory. A Tuesday theory. I have decided to share my theory with the blogosphere on this fine Tuesday morning, so here it goes.

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are always good days because they are part of the blissful weekend.

Thursdays are the days before Fridays so the mood is generally optimistic considering you are on the eve of the weekend. Kind of like Christmas Eve, not quite there yet, but close enough to be excited!

Wednesdays are the "hump days" and you are able to take comfort in the fact that you are half way done with the week. These days can be long days, but still manageable.

Mondays are tough. However, I would argue that on Mondays the feel of the previous weekend is still fresh in your memory making the dreaded wake-up-alarm on Mondays manageable, not likable, but manageable.

And then there's Tuesday. Tuesdays leave you with no memory of the weekend past and it is still too soon to visualize the weekend to come. Tuesdays are the toughest days of the week in my opinion. Despite comments that claim Tuesdays to be the most productive day of the week, they are still in fact doomed by my oh-so-wise Tuesday Theory.

Happy Tuesday everyone! :)

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